Hello Readers!

December was a fun, crazy month, filled with holidays and travel for me. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to add anything new to Stock Street during December. I am back at work now and there is A LOT in store in 2017 for Stock Street.

In the month of December Stock Street had almost 1,000 page views! I am happy about the viewership considering I just launched it on November 30th, and I added no new articles during the month of December. I am extremely optimistic for this website for 2017. My goal is to increase the readership from 1,000 pageviews per month, to 1,000 page views per day by end of the year. If Stock Street has 30,000 pageviews per month I will consider this to have been a successful year for the website.

On YouTube, the Stock Street channel has had almost 900 views so far. I hope to have around 20,000 views by the end of the year as more videos are added.

Here are some things to look forward to with Stock Street in 2017; I hope you keep stopping by and please don’t forget to sign up to our email list to get updated with the newest articles on the website!

Earning Extra Income

As I was travelling through Europe in December, I thought long and hard about my vision for Stock Street. When I decided to create the website, my desire was to spread my knowledge on investing and financial strategies. I want to help people avoid the mistakes that so many people make when it comes to saving and investing.

While I was sitting and pondering on many planes and trains, I realized it’s impossible to save money if you lack money to save. It is therefore extremely important for the readers to understand and learn ways on how to increase their income to give them a bigger capacity to save for their future and/or retire early. And in 2017, this is what Stock Street will offer its readers.

Over the next few months you will notice new sections of the website dedicated solely to helping our readers make a little extra money. This is NOT get rich quick income. This is an extra $50-$100 per week extra income. There will be no false promises and no smoke and mirrors here. The goal is to bring in at least a little extra income to your household each week, and over time, that income will increase drastically, thanks to the beauty of compound interest.


For Beginners Section

Thank you to my friend who suggested a section of the website dedicated to beginners. I’m working on some articles for the novice to finance and investing. I want readers to come here to learn valuable ideas to help them into the future even if they know nothing about investing, business, or finance.

I will be posting some beginner’s guides to investing and Stock Street’s philosophy behind investing and personal finance. Not everyone knows how to open a brokerage account and what fund/index to start allocating money into. I will be posting guidance on how to start your financial journey, and maybe you will walk away knowing if you should open a Roth IRA, traditional IRA, invest in your company 401k, or just throw the money in a brokerage account outside a retirement account.



So far, the Stock Street YouTube channel has one public video (our other videos are only shareable via link). Over the year, I will be creating new content ranging from understand what bonds are, to some of my ideas on how to bring in some extra income. I will try to add a new video every month, but it takes time for me to create content that I consider acceptable. So, we will see how many videos I can crank out each month. I decided when launching Stock Street that I will not sacrifice quality for quantity. I would rather have a few nicely produced videos than many subpar videos. This seems to go against the business strategy of pretty much every YouTube person of quantity over quality, but I will just have to sacrifice some views for quality.


Social Media

I have slacked off on our social media marketing, but during 2017 I am optimistic for our social media following. We have four social media platforms for Stock Street: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+. I’m expecting over a thousand Facebook fans before the end of the year. I’ve only sent out one tweet in my life and I am proud to tell you that I’ve never used a hashtag in my life. I guess it looks like my “non-hashtag” life style will be ending soon; Twitter is an important aspect of marketing these days so I will be selling out to the Twitter world.


Random Ramblings

I have heard some positive words from people about the random ramblings section of the website. I’ll continue to write these random ideas this 2017 as they pop in my head. I hope to add at least one random rambling monthly if not more. And besides, they are fun and I enjoy the creativity that goes into them.


Scotch Street

I’m not prepared to tell you what Scotch Street is yet. I will just tell you there is a section of the website coming soon and it is shrouded in mystery 😉

I’m excited about 2017. I have a feeling it is going to be a great year for Stock Street. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you continue visiting and engaging with the site this year!



Photo Credit: Flicker – Waferboard – Scotch

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