Scotch Street articles list

Here is a link to the category page.  All links are also below: Scotch Street Articles

What is Scotch Street? 

Back when I was in college, I took a course where the professor assigned us to write a stream-of-consciousness article.  I read the article the next day, and, let me tell you, it was hilarious.

It was just so random.  It was all over the place, and half of it made no sense.

But, I loved it.

At one point circa 2007, my Facebook “about me” section was just a stream-of-consciousness blurb (and people thought it was great!)

I wanted to incorporate my love of Scotch with this website somehow; I came up with the idea to blend my love of stream-of-consciousness writing with scotch and money! (Get it?  Blend?  Like a Scotch blend?  Johnny Walker?  Anyone?).

Scotch Steet has been a bit neglected recently, and I want to get her main-stream.  So, I have decided to turn Scotch Street into a collaborative.  Because I can’t be writing these all the time, it is only natural that the best money bloggers will collaborate!

Write drunk edit sober?

The words, “Write drunk edit sober”, have been associated with, none-other-than, Ernest Hemingway.

While the idea of drinking a bit to help with the creative process may actually have some scientific backing, we don’t condone getting drunk during Scotch Street writing.  A few wee drams of Scotch can do the trick.

According to Fast Company Magazine:

Created by Australian writing blog, The Expert Editor, “The Science Behind Writing Drunk and Editing Sober” reveals that Hemingway was definitely on to something. Using a variety of studies, “The Science Behind” demonstrates that at a fairly low threshold of alcohol, the brain actually is stimulated in creative ways the sober brain might not be. The part Hemingway got wrong, however, is that at the point of legit drunkenness the quality of one’s writing goes south, pronto.

Fast Company pretty much summed up our ideas for Scotch Street in the context of “Write drunk edit sober” – a low threshold of alcohol may help stimulate creativity and drunkenness brings it downhill.


There is only one rule of Scotch Street: don’t talk about Scotch Street.  Ok, yes, I am so kidding.  I actually REALLY want you to tell people about Scotch Street.

Here are the general rules of how an article is composed.

  1. Drink Scotch

    • The first rule of Scotch Street can be broken, if a guest contributor doesn’t like scotch, that is ok by me (I don’t want you to drink something you don’t like). Feel free to drink an alternative beverage if you wish.  I will personally always drink scotch, but any guests are welcome to partake in a different manner.
  2. Do you have to drink? 

    • No!  You don’t have to drink.  If you want to be a guest on Scotch Street, just writing a stream-of-consciousness article is completely fine.  It will likely be crazy and hilarious without drinking anyway.
  3. Don’t get inebriated

    • Scotch Street isn’t for getting blackout drunk.  Have 2 or 3 drams, then you are set.  The goal is to get you in a loosed state that you may not usually be in when you write.
  4. Take a picture or a video

    • I do video, but it has actually led me to not do as many of these.  The videos are a pain to edit.  So, feel free to take a picture.  In fact, probably better to take a picture, so we don’t have to figure how to upload it.
  5. Start writing and try to write about something money related

    • Write about money – Do your best to write about money.  Think about money, and, as you are in that moment, just start writing.  Whatever comes out, just go with it.
    • Going off topic – Every one of these Scotch Street articles will have some sort of tangent when the writer goes off topic.  It makes these articles hilarious.  Going off topic is welcome, just try to finish something that is overall about money.
    • Opinions- Feel free to be opinionated.  When I started doing these, I realized just how opinionated they turned out.  That is part of what makes them so great.  You just write whatever is coming off the top of your head.
    • Cursing – Try to limit the cursing, but cursing is fine.  It is stream-of-consciousness, so I understand if cursing is popping into the article.
    • Edits – Keep the raw form of the article, but edit the spelling (and maybe grammar depending on if you think it is necessary).

How to guest post.

If you want to guest post, I am happy to have you!  Anyone with a blog is invited to be a guest on Scotch Street.  As long as you write about something money related, you are qualified in my book.

Why should you be a guest contributor?

Guest contributors will get an awesome “Do follow” link!  Google likes those links much more than those “No follow’ links (like commenting on other blogs).

Also, what you write will likely be hilarious and you will want to share it with everyone!  And, on top of that, it will be fun.  You may even want an excuse to have a wee dram and focus on writing.  This is the perfect excuse.  Just tell the Mr. or Mrs. that Robbie from Scotch Street is responsible, and I will take the heat.

Steps to do a Scotch Street stream-of-consciousness post.

  1. Send an email to stockstreetblog(at)gmail(dot) com

  2. Tell me you are interested, and, if you are a personal finance blogger, I will likely just tell you “Awesome!” and then you can tell me when you think you will send over.

  3. I ask that you add a link to your site to this page so we can get Scotch Street love from Google.  I don’t care if you add a link to an older post or a newer post; just anywhere is fine.  For example, you can throw a blurb in that says, by the way just did a Scotch Street article check it out here! {link}.

  4. Feel free to share on social media, but you don’t have to.

  5. Write your article given the above information, take a picture, then send over to me to have it added to the site.  Provide me with a little bio of yourself as well.

  6. The post title will likely be this format: Scotch Street Guest Post – {blog name} – {what scotch (or drink) you had}.

That is it!

Thanks for stopping by Scotch Street.

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